
Harow is a French design studio based in Paris whose main objective is to create products that are the perfect blend between art and design, bringing the first one into the second one.

Harow Studio / Painting Workshop
Harow Studio / Painting Workshop
Harow Studio Atelier in Paris
Harow Studio Atelier in Paris.
Carving workshop / Iconic Stool
Carving workshop / Iconic Stool

Images source: https://www.harow.fr/about.html

Art Before Function

Harow’s philosophy is not to follow any trend, yet to focus on the beauty of the objects to please the eye and realize an enjoyable viewing.

Each piece of work at Harow is first considered as an art piece and only in a second phase, it is transformed into a functional object. All of the studio’s pieces are fully handcrafted until they meet perfection, only then are they released into the art creations.

Harow Studio / Skull Armchair
Harow Studio / Skull Armchair
The Harow Studio in Paris, during the realization of the Skull Armchair.
The Harow Studio in Paris, during the realization of the Skull Armchair.

Images source: http://www.harow.fr/archives.html

The Skull Armchair

Born as the product of the collaboration between Harow and the street artist Hokuda, the Skull Armchair is a chair shaped like a human skull with a polygonal pattern describing its surface.
Flashy and loud, the armchair sharp edges are the perfect canvas for the signature colour gradients that made Okuta a world-wide known street artist.

The result of this peculiar collaboration is a bright sculpture, surely not suitable to all interiors, but certainly the perfect go-to for all the eccentric personalities who look for an exclusive and personal design.

GOLD SKULL Armchair.  75 kg. Structure of reinforced fiberglass / Steel internal frame. 24 Gold carat / Black velvet.
GOLD SKULL Armchair.  75 kg. Structure of reinforced fiberglass / Steel internal frame. 24 Gold carat / Black velvet.

Images source: https://www.harow.fr/goldskull.html

VAPORWAVE SKULL Armchair.  150 cm x 120 cm x 110 cm.- 75 kg-  Structure of reinforced fiberglass / Steel internal frame. Spray paint by HAROW / HAROW fabric.
VAPORWAVE SKULL Armchair.  150 cm x 120 cm x 110 cm.- 75 kg-  Structure of reinforced fiberglass / Steel internal frame. Spray paint by HAROW / HAROW fabric.

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