Humanism and Classic Revival

Literary Humanism is a devotion to the humanities or literary culture.

The spirit of learning at the end of the middle ages isĀ Renaissance Humanism which developed with the resurgence of classical letters and a renewed confidence in the ability of the human to determine truth and lie for themselves.
Leonardo da Vinci, Vitruvian Man, c.1492, drawingpen, ink and wash on paper, Accademia of Venice, Italy.
Leonardo da Vinci, Vitruvian Man, c.1492, drawingpen, ink and wash on paper, Accademia of Venice, Italy.

Image source: by mdwombat

The time when the term “Humanism” was first adopted is unknown. It is, however, certain that both Italy and the re-adopting of Latin letters as the staple of human culture were responsible for the name “Humanists.”

Defining Humanism

Put simply, the word humanist has come to mean someone who:

  • Relies on theĀ scientific methodĀ when it comes to understanding how the universe works and rejects the idea of the supernatural (therefore atheist or agnostic);
  • Makes its own ethical decisions based onĀ reason,Ā empathy, and a concern forĀ humanĀ beingsĀ and other sentient animals;
  • Believes that, in the absence of an afterlife, human beings can act to make sense of their lives by seeking happiness and helping others to do the same.

Renaissance Humanism

Humanism is the term generally applied to theĀ predominant social philosophy and the intellectual and literary currents of the period from 1400toĀ 1650. The philosophy of secularism, the appreciation of worldly pleasures, and the affirmation of personal independence and individual expression were stimulated by the return in favor of the pagan classics.

The interest in worldly pleasures has been generated by the expansion ofĀ commerce, the growth ofĀ prosperity andĀ luxury, and the expansion ofĀ socialĀ contacts, despite formal fidelity toĀ asceticĀ ChristianĀ doctrine. HumanistsĀ  welcomed classical writers who revealed similar social values andĀ secularĀ attitudes.

The humanist mentality was halfway betweenĀ medieval supernaturalismĀ and theĀ modern scientific and critical attitude. Renaissance man may have found himself suspended betweenĀ faithĀ andĀ reason.

Portrait de Simonetta Vespucci, Sandro Botticelli, 1476-1480
by Sandro Botticelli 1476-1480 – Portrait de Simonetta Vespucci

Image sources: by La case photo de Got

Secular andĀ human interests became more important as the hold of medieval supernaturalism began to wane.

The present world has become an end in itself rather than began the preparation for a world to come. The distinction between this world and the other with the advancement of the age of Renaissance humanism tended to disappear.

Humanism was fundamentally anĀ aesthetic movement.Ā HumanĀ experience, the man himself, tended to become the practical measure of all things. The ideal life was fullĀ participationĀ in rich and varied humanĀ relationships.

The dominating element in the finest classical culture was aesthetic rather than supernatural or scientific.

AttribuƩ Ơ Santi di Tito, Portrait d'un jeune homme (vers 1560-1575), huile sur bois, 111,8 x 83,8 - Norfolk, Chrysler Museum of Art
by Santi di Tito-Portrait d’un jeune homme (vers 1560-1575)-Chrysler Museum of Art

Image source: by HĆ©liodore

Humanistic contributions to science consisted of theĀ recoveryĀ ofĀ Greek scientific literatureĀ which showed a more accurate and acceptable body of facts and ideas than most medieval scientific works.

The intellectuals of antiquity were disinterested in the supernatural world and the eternal destiny of the soul was instead interested in a happy,Ā adequate, andĀ efficientĀ lifeĀ here on earth.Ā Hellenic philosophy was designed to teach a man how to live successfully rather than how to die with the certainty of final salvation.

The period from theĀ 14thĀ century to theĀ 17thĀ worked in favor of the generalĀ emancipationĀ of the individual. The city-states of northern Italy had come into contact with the different customs of the East and allowed themselves to express themselves in matters of taste and clothing. Danteā€™s writings, and particularly the doctrines ofĀ PetrarchĀ and humanists such asĀ Machiavelli, emphasized the virtues ofĀ intellectual freedomĀ andĀ individual expression. In Montaigneā€™s essays, the individualistic view of life received perhaps the most persuasive and eloquent affirmation in the history of literature and philosophy.

Michel de Montagne
Michel de Montaigne, portrait.

Image source:Ā https://search.creativecommons .org/photos/6c0c5a99-c0a3-413f-ad89-30d2667a089f by Stifts- och landsbiblioteket i Skara

IndividualismĀ and the instinct ofĀ curiosityĀ were vigorously cultivated. HonestĀ doubtĀ began to replace unreasoningĀ faith.


The early humanists returned to the classics with aĀ sense of profound familiarity, the impression of having once again been brought into contact with expressions of an intrinsic and permanent human reality.

Machiavelliā€™s term ā€œumanitĆ ā€ (humanity) means more than kindness; it is a direct translation of the LatinĀ humanitas.

ClassicalĀ thinkingĀ offered insight into theĀ heartĀ of things. Furthermore, the classics suggested methods by which human reality could transform itself from an accident of history into an artifact of the will. Antiquity was full of examples ofĀ epic action,Ā victoriousĀ eloquence, andĀ applied to understand. Classical rhetoricĀ carries out enlightened politics, whileĀ Classical poeticsĀ could bring enlightenment into the veryĀ souls of men. In a way paradoxical to most modern minds, humanists have associated Classicism with theĀ future.

Classicism in architecture

Classicism in architecture developed during theĀ Italian Renaissance, in the writings and drawings ofĀ Leon Battista AlbertiĀ and in the work ofĀ Filippo Brunelleschi with an emphasis onĀ the symmetry,Ā proportion,Ā geometry,Ā and regularity of the parts as demonstrated in the architecture of ClassicalĀ antiquity and the architecture ofĀ Ancient Rome.

Monument to Leon Battista Alberti
Monument to Leon Battista Alberti (c.1836)- Santa Croce, Florence

Image source: by rjhuttondfw

Florence, Italy
Santa Maria del Fiore-Florence, Italy-Ā  by Filippo Brunelleschi

Image source: by DrBob317

The more complex proportional systems and irregular profiles ofĀ medieval buildings were replaced by the orderly arrangements of columns,Ā pilasters,Ā andĀ architraves, the use of round arches,Ā hemisphericalĀ domes, niches, and ā€œaediculesā€.

In theĀ 16thĀ century,Ā Sebastiano SerlioĀ contributed to codify the classical orders andĀ Palladioā€˜s legacyĀ was transformed into the long tradition ofĀ Palladian architecture.

FaƧade (lower side: end 13Th-half 14th century; portal and upper side (after 1458) by Leon Battista Alberti (Genova 1404-Rome 1472) - Santa Maria Novella Church in Florence
Church of Santa Maria Novella, facade by Leon Battista Alberti, 1456ā€“70, Florence, Italy.

Image source:Ā by Carlo Raso

From the Renaissance until the advent of Modernism, classical styles of architecture have long dominatedĀ Western architecture. That is to say, for much of Modern history, that classical antiquity has been considered the main source ofĀ inspirationĀ for architectural endeavors in the West.

Furthermore, architectural styles not considered typically classical, such asĀ Gothic, containĀ classical elements.

The more or less decisive feature can still be said to be aĀ reference to ancient Greek or Roman architectureĀ and the architectural rules or theories that derived from that architecture.

San Lorenzo, Florence (Basilica di San Lorenzo)
Basilica of San Lorenzo, Brunelleschi, Florence, Italy

Image source:Ā by Metadata Deluxe

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